In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players will have the opportunity to catch not just the Pokemon under Generation IV, but also Pokemon that came from previous generations, from Generation I up to Generation III.
This includes the elusive Legendary Pokemon, which they can be caught once conditions have been met.
However, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there is a place where they can encounter, and catch, the Legendaries from the Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto regions - the Ramanas Park.
The said park is one of the new additions in the game, replacing Pal Park, a location in the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl where players can migrate Pokemon from Generation III core games such as Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald with the help of a Game Pak inserted in Nintendo DS' GBA slot.
How to Unlock Ramanas Park
In order to have access to the Ramanas Park in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, they must first unlock the said area.
To do this, according to Attack of the Fanboy, they must first beat the Elite Four, then they will need to complete the rest of the entries of the Sinnoh Pokedex, which means they need more time to encounter several Pokemon, as well as fighting every Trainer in the region, to fill up the gaps.
They will also need to encounter either Dialgia or Palkia, depending on what game they have, at the Spear Pillar in Mount Coronet, in order to have either one of the Legendary Pokemon's Pokedex entries.
Then, to fill in the other, according to iMore, they will go to Celestic Town, where they need to talk to Cynthia's grandmother.
From there, she will talk about the counterpart of either Dalgia or Palkia that is not present in their respective games. In Brilliant Diamond, Palkia is missing, while in Shining Pearl, Dalgia is missing.
Once she presented the said missing Legendary, its information will appear in their Pokedex, filling in the said missing slot.
Once they got the entries of all of the 150 Pokemon in their Sinnoh Pokedex, they go towards the Sandgem Town, and talk to Professor Rowan in his lab.
From there, he will check their Pokedex like he routinely does, however, Professor Oak will appear for a visit. Once he talked to them, he will give them them the National Pokedex, as well as the Pokeradar.
Then, he will tell them about the Ramanas Park, which is located at the end of Route 221. To get there, they need to Surf in the water below Sandgem Town before traveling towards the said area. From there, Professor Oak is waiting for them tell more about the park.
How to Catch the Legendaries
As mentioned earlier, the Ramanas Park contains a lot of Legendary Pokemon from Generation I up to Generation III.
However, in order to summon, and catch them, they need a special item known as a Slate. These items, according to Dot Esports, are resembled after various video game cartridges from old Pokemon titles. Each of these Slates differ from one another.
For example, the Kanto Slate is shaped like a Nintendo Gameboy cartridge, while the Oceanic, Tectonic, and Stratospheric Slates looked like a Gameboy Advance cartridge.
But in order to get these Slates, they need to gather Mysterious Shards. To get these shards, according to Dexerto, they need to go under the Grand Underground by using the Explorer Kit item.
Once they are underground, they will look for walls that are bulging. This means that it has items within it. Once they have communicated with it, it will transport them to a minigame, where they need to pound the walls to get what is inside.
From there, they can get things like Evolution stones, Pokemon Statues, and the Mysterious Shards, which are all rare. The said shards can be either small or large.
Once they have collected enough Mysterious Shards, they will return above the ground, and go back to Ramanas Park to talk to a non-playable character (NPC), which is at the building entrance.
From there, it will present them a list of Slates that you want to buy. There are Slates that are present to both games, such as the Soul, Oceanic, Tectonic, Stratospheric, Genome and Distorion Slates, while the Discovery, Johto and Rainbow Slates are only available in Brilliant Diamon, and the Kanto and Squall Slates are exclusive in Shining Pearl.
Once they got the item that they needed, they will go to one of the rooms in the park. Each rooms hold a set of Legendary Pokemon that can be summoned by their respective Slates.
Once they entered the room, they insert the item on a slot that is in front of their pedestal, or pedestals.
Afterwards, the Legendary Pokemon will be summoned, triggering a Pokemon Battle against them.
Players need to keep in mind that they need to get their health as low as possible or subject them in conditions such as Sleep or Paralysis in order to catch them using Ultra Balls, Quick Balls, or Timer Balls.
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