The anime series "Naruto Shippuden" is slated to reboot on Dec. 1, 2016. After the break, the anime series will start off with episode 484 through Sasuke's adventures. Chatters indicate that the next big things in "Naruto Shippuden" is the Boruto Arc.
The reboot of "Naruto Shippuden" will start on the journey to the atonement of Uchiha Sasuke. His side of the story will be explored in the chapter "Sasuke Sinden: Book of Sunrise". The story starts right after the Fourth Great Ninja War. It is reported to have four episodes dedicated to his journey.
After the Fourth Great Ninja War in "Naruto Shippuden", Naruto's story has ended. He has already achieved his two major goals: to become Konoha's Hokage and to be acknowledged by all of the villagers. This storyline seems to have run dry by now.
The much-awaited sequel in "Naruto Shippuden" franchise will then focus on the Boruto Arc. This arc will feature the Hokage's son, Boruto. According to reports, the "Naruto Shippuden" Boruto Arc, which was announced at Jump Fiesta 2016 is already in the works.
The upcoming arc of "Naruto Shippuden" franchise will be based on the adventures and mishaps of Boruto, Team Konohamaru and Moegi. Uchiha Sasuke will have his appearance too. To appease the horde of "Naruto Shippuden" fans, creators are doing extensive efforts to prolong the anime series. Chatters on the Internet suggest that the Boruto Arc will be a continuation of "Naruto Shippuden". If all rumors are true, the Boruto arc is slated to hit the small screens in winter 2017, There is still no specific date as to when it will be aired.
The latest speculation is that the "Naruto Shippuden" Boruto arc will have its own adaption. For more "Naruto Shippuden" latest spoilers, news & update stay tuned to Gameguide.