Pokemon Scarlet & Violet introduces a captivating dynamic to the franchise with version-exclusive Pokemon, and among them are the elusive Generation 3 Water-types, Clauncher, and Clawitzer, residing solely in Pokemon Violet. Trainers eager to expand their collection must navigate the vast Paldea region strategically to find and catch these aquatic wonders.
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Where to find Clauncher in Pokemon Violet
Clauncher, the charming Water-type Pokemon, is not confined to a single locale. To encounter this slippery creature, trainers should set their sights on the expansive seas of Paldea. Whether it's the South, East, North, or West Paldean Sea, Clauncher gracefully swims in all these watery domains, ready to be discovered and added to your Pokedex.
Where to find Clawitzer in Pokemon Violet
Clauncher's evolution, Clawitzer, shares its affinity for the sea. However, aspiring trainers need to pinpoint specific locations. Clawitzer can be spotted elegantly swimming in the South Paldean Sea near Alfornada and navigating the waves along the North Paldean Sea. Focused exploration in these areas will lead to the coveted encounter with this exclusive Pokemon.
For trainers familiar with Clauncher's evolutionary journey from previous games, the process remains unchanged in Generation 9. To witness the transformation of Clauncher into the formidable Clawitzer, simply nurture it to reach the milestone level 37. This tried-and-true method ensures that Clauncher evolves seamlessly into its powerful evolution, ready to make a splash in your Pokemon team.
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